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Receive your firearms without any hassle at our secure location in Texas.

How to Transfer

  • Simply email the seller's information (name, email & phone) to txsecequipment@gmail.com and we’ll handle the rest.

  • Download a copy of our FFL below and provide to the seller.

Outgoing FFL Transfers

There is No Transfer Fee on any gun sold from our store. The only fee involved will be the actual cost of shipping.

Handgun Shipping Costs start at $69.99

Long Gun Shipping Cost start at $89.99

FFL Transfer Form


Select an option

DISCLAIMER:  Please Make Sure that You’re Legally Eligible to own a firearm and are willing to fulfill all local, state, or municipal requirements before buying a gun.       CLICK HERE to find out. 

Handguns & Long Guns

NFA Items

Non-Firearm Transfer

Regular Processing

Texas LTC Holder

Regular Processing

Regular Processing

$25 per item

$20 per item

$100 per item

$15 per item

Regular FFL Processing – Transfers are processed within 1-2 business days of arriving at our facility on a first delivered - first served basis.

Please Review the Following Terms & Conditions carefully before having an FFL Transfer item shipped to Texas Security Equipment:

  • All incoming firearms, whether from a manufacturer, distributor, or another FFL dealer, must provide all required paperwork including a complete invoice.

  • All inbound FFL transfers to Texas Security Equipment are expected to be picked up within 30 days, unless express arrangements are made in writing via e-mail.

  • All inbound FFL transfers that have not been picked up within 30 days will be subject to a storage fee of $20 per serialized item, per month or any part of a month thereafter.

  • Any FFL transfers that have not been picked up within 90 days will become the property of Texas Security Equipment, and may be subject to being sold to cover storage and other expenses, without compensation to the transferee.

  • Texas Security Equipment is Not Responsible for damaged or missing items. Please contact the seller / carrier directly for all claims.

NOTE: While this policy does NOT apply to NFA transfer items during the waiting period while pending tax stamp approval by the ATF, it DOES apply to inbound NFA items if the process has NOT been started (IE. NFA transfer fee paid & tax stamp purchased).

Please Clear Every Transfer With Your Local FFL before purchasing a firearm online, ask for any fees and legal regulations that might be involved, then make sure you’re eligible to own or possess the firearm.

This policy is effective March 29th, 2022 and applies to all requested/received after this date.


General Information


  • FFL (Federal Firearms License) provides legal authorization for a dealer to engage in the intrastate & interstate sale of modern firearms.

  • NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) - regulatory division of the FBI that verifies legal eligibility for firearms purchases.

  • “Straw” Purchases - an illegal firearm purchase where the actual buyer of the gun, being unable to pass the required federal background check or desiring not to have their name associated with the transaction, uses a proxy buyer who can pass the required background check to purchase the firearm for them. It is highly illegal and punishable by a $250,000 fine and 10 years in prison.

FFL Transfers Allow a Firearm to be legally bought or sold over the internet

  • While there are exceptions to the Gun Control Act of 1968, the person taking possession of the firearm is required to pass an FBI NICS background check.

  • In addition, some jurisdictions may have additional processing requirements such as state or local criminal history /substance abuse /psychiatric background checks. Others actually have mandatory firearms registration & licensing.  

Requirements in Texas

  • Once the FBI NICS background check has been approved and you have paid for your transaction, you are clear to take the firearm.

  • The NICS background check is not the same as registration.

  • The FBI NICS background check simply confirms that you are a legal purchaser.

  • In addition, a Texas CHL will bypass the NICS requirement, though the purchaser must still complete an ATF form 4473 to take the firearm.

FFL Transfer Regulations in Texas (firearms transferred over-the-counter)

  • Texas Security Equipment may ONLY transfer guns over-the-counter to eligible purchasers.

  • “Eligible” purchasers are those individuals that successfully pass the NICS background check, or have a valid Texas License to Carry (LTC).

  • Handguns may only be transferred over-the-counter to a Texas resident.

  • Rifles or shotguns may be sold or transferred over-the-counter to an out-of-state resident, provided there are no restrictions against it.

  • We may not mail firearms transactions to a home or business that is not an FFL.

  • By federal law, all FFL transfers must take place in person.

Straw Man Purchases are illegal and will be refused by Texas Security Equipment

  • Specifically, the purchaser (named on the invoice) must be the person legally taking possession of the firearm– and no one else.

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